VNC to RH6.10 getting blank screen

When I use vncviewer to a Redhat 6.10 server I got blank screen.

The original xstartup file has the following content

The log has the following errors:
xterm: command not found
gnome-session: command not found

Then I installed above packages:
yum install xterm
yum install gnome-session

After I restarted vncserver, I can see desktop but no menu, no terminal window.

Then I replaced xstartup content with the following

After restart vncserver, now I have desktop + a terminal window running in it. It's all I need as I need to install Oracle from there


wsappx process with high cpu usage

For people who has Windows Store

Start registry editor.
Window  + R , Regedit
1) Make backup of the registry files.
2) Change
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost
   Change string entry wsappx  from 
The service will not find the correct dll, and will not start. 
You will get error messages about this that can be logged in the event viewer.