teamviewer for Linux

wget http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.tar.gz
tar xf teamviewer_linux.tar.gz
cd teamviewer6


Userful Linux tools for windows

ssh & scp for Windows

PuTTY, (and its file transfer utility, pscp), are excellent Windows ssh/scp implementations, and are a piece of cake to get up and running. These programs are not zipped and do not require any installation.

putty: putty.exe
pscp: pscp.exe

nmap for Windows

Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free and open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are avalable for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

nmap 5.51 self-installer: nmap-5.51-setup.exe
nmap 5.51 command-line: nmap-5.51-win32.zip

rdesktop for Windows

rdesktop is a terminal services client for X windows by Matthew Chapman. This is a native Windows port of rdesktop.


Windows 95 OSR2/98/Me/NT 4/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7


rdesktop 1.6

Download: rdesktop-1.6.0-win32.zip

X server for Windows (e.g. Xming or Cygwin X11)
You must have the X server running prior to using rdesktop.

Older versions: Note: this snapshot is not a complete port and requires Cygwin 1.5.12 to run.
Binaries: rdesktop-bin-win32-20041201.zip
Source: rdesktop-src-win32-20041201.tar.bz2

Full native ports of rdesktop 1.2. Cygwin is not required.
Binaries: rdesktop-bin-win32-20030219.zip
Source: rdesktop-src-win32-20030219.tar.bz2
Binaries: rdesktop.zip
Source: rdesktop-src.tar.gz

Compiling rdesktop for Win32



GNU General Public License
rdesktop © Matthew Chapman 1999-2003 © Christopher January 2002-2003,2004

Related Links



How to set Postgresql money type to use 3 decimal places in Windows


Under Linux, type command in postgres database:

set lc_monetary to 'ar_BH.utf8';

ar_BH represents Arabic (Bahrain) locale, the above command change the locale monetary setting on-the-fly in postgresql database, the let do a test:

select 34.888::text::money;

You will get 34.888 with 3 decimal places money type. Tested in Postgresql 8.4.6.


However the above set command will get an error message under Windows.

FATAL: invalid value for parameter “lc_monetary”

You will need to:

set lc_monetary to "Arabic, Bahrain";

This will set the lc_monetary to arabic locale but only display 2 decimal places by default, it seems everything right of the comma is ignored.

To workaround this, use an '_' in plase of ', ' like:

set lc_monetary to "Arabic_Bahrain";

Tested with Windows XP + PostgreSQL 9.0.3(this solution should work for PostgreSQL 8.3 or later version too)

Thanks Jasen who get this resolved, more information please see his post @ postgresql forum: