I got the above error message when I tried to boot into ubuntu(wubi version, installed inside windows).
Replace the file wubildr on c:\ should fix this issue.
click the link below to download wubildr:
kernel panic - not syncing - VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block
How ubuntu change login screen window appearance in 9.10?
1. Logout of your current session and return to the GDM
2. Switch to the tty command line prompt using Ctrl-Alt-F1
3. Login using your normal login/password
4. at the command line prompt type: export DISPLAY=:0.0
5. then type: sudo -u gdm gnome-control-center
6. Switch back to the gdm screen using ALT-F7
7. The gnome-control-center should be loaded. Use it to configure your GDM.
8. Click on the Appearances icon, in appearances you can change your GDM's font, theme and background image.
9. Close the gnome-control-center and login normally.
Can't connect to WinServ 2008 SP2: "internal license error"
$ rdesktop -n 184d
Autoselected keyboard map en-us
disconnect: Internal licensing error.
User 184d can connect ONLY ONE TIME, and after disconnect it fail again.
The workarround that I find, until a patch for this bug is released, is to do:
# chown -R root.root /home/
and just in case:
# chmod -R 444 /home/
then just delete the license.
I'm using rdesktop 1.6.0 with Ubuntu 9.04, trying to connect to a Windows
2008 Enterprise 64bit with SP2.
Create wallpaper slideshow in Ubuntu 9.10
Create wallpaper slideshow in Ubuntu 9.10
First of all, happy new year! Nothing like the morning of a new year to be messing around with Linux and Python!One of the new things in Ubuntu 9.10 is that you can now use a wallpaper slideshow for your desktop, which will cycle your desktop wallpaper at regular intervals from a selected pool of wallpapers. The default Ubuntu 9.10 comes with a space-themed wallpaper slideshow, but there is apparently no option to create your own ones. However, the configuration is stored in plaintext XML files, one in /usr/share/gnome-background-properties and the other in the corresponding directory where the images are stored, in /usr/share/backgrounds.
The following Python script will automatically create these two XML files so that you can set a wallpaper slideshow with the images of your preferences.
Slideshow Builder script
Here's the instructions. You will need root access since the directory where you're doing the operations, /usr/share/, is owned by root. Simply use sudo (or sudo -i if you're lazy).
1) Create a directory in /usr/share/backgrounds with the name of your slideshow. For instance, if the desired name is 'space', the dir should be called '/usr/share/backgrounds/space/'.
2) Copy all the wallpaper images to that folder. The supported formats are jpg, png, gif and bmp.
3) Run the Python script in the images directory. This will automatically create two xml files: one in the (current) images directory, and another one in /usr/share/gnome-background-properties.
4) That's all! You can now select the slideshow in the Gnome wallpaper selection interface.
A sample usage of the script is shown in the following image:
And the slideshow now appears in the desktop Background selection screen:
article source:
Linux: change users permission on folders
drwx-----x 57 test admin 12288 2010-01-18 07:39 Test
The above is an example. Group admin has the ownership of folder Test, but doesn't have the read(r) or write(w) or execute(x) permission to that folder. To do that:
chmod -R g+rw Test
-R is for making changes recursivly
g is for group
r is for read permission
w is for write permission
After executing the above command then do "ls -al" should see the info like:
drwxrwx--x 57 test admin 12288 2010-01-18 07:39 Test
And only the user himself or users from admin group have the access to Test folder .
"chown test:admin Test/" is to change ownership of a folder to admin;
"chgrp admin *" is to change the ownership of all folders to admin;
Postgresql not listening on network
Under windows:
1) open postgres\data\pg_hba.conf
Add "host all all md5" , save and close;
2) open postgresql.conf
change listen_addresses='localhost'
to listen_addresses='*'
save and close
3) restart postgresql service:
net restart postgresql