xrdp shows blank screen on ubuntu 16.04

The quick solution is to install xfce4 package

Installing the xfce4 Desktop environment

In the Terminal console; type the following command
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xfce4

Configure xrdp to use xfce desktop environment

At this stage, you have to configure your Ubuntu machine in order for xrdp to know that the xfce desktop will be used instead of the Unity or Gnome (which are not working anymore in Ubuntu). To configure this, from the terminal console, you will issue the following command
echo xfce4-session >~/.xsession

Restart the xrdp service by issuing the following command
sudo service xrdp restart

Test your xrdp connection

At this stage, you should have a basic xrdp working solution. When I say basic, I mean that you can indeed connect to your remote Ubuntu machine but if you disconnect your session and try to connect again, you will each time open a new session. (Read below section in this post to see how you can reconnect to the same session)
To test your xrdp solution, find the ip address of your linux machine (or use the name if you have DNS Infrastructure in place). To find the ip address, issue the command
hostname -I

Now go to your windows machine, start remote Desktop client and enter the ip address/name of your ubuntu machine

You should see then the login screen of xrdp presented to you. Note that, at this screen (and because we have not configured keyboard layout yet), the keyboard layout is set to English by default.

Enter your username and password and Press OK
You will see a dialog box showing the login process

If everything is configured correctly,you should see your xfce desktop loading and you should be able to perform you work through this desktop environment.

Reference article: http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=5305


How to resolve "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"

Method 1: Reconfigure Package Database

The first method you can try is to reconfigure the package database. Probably the database got corrupted while installing a package. Reconfiguring often fixes the problem.
sudo dpkg --configure -a

Method 2: Use force install

If a package installation was interrupted previously, you may try to do a force install.
sudo apt-get install -f

Method 3: Try removing the troublesome package

If it’s not an issue for you, you may try to remove the package manually. Please don’t do it for Linux Kernels (packages starting with linux-).
sudo apt remove 

Method 4: Remove post info files of the troublesome package

This should be your last resort. You can try removing the files associated to the package in question from /var/lib/dpkg/info. for example the package name is "desktop-base"

ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info | grep -i desktop-base
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/info/desktop-base*

Use the sudo apt update and then you should be able to install software as usual.

reference article: https://itsfoss.com/dpkg-returned-an-error-code-1/  

Mailx command example

Using the mailx command

Once installed, the mailx command can be directly referenced with the name mail, so you just type in that in the command line.

1. Simple mail

Run the following command, and then mailx would wait for you to enter the message of the email. You can hit enter for new lines. When done typing the message, press Ctrl+D and mailx would display EOT.
After than mailx automatically delivers the email to the destination.
  • $ mail -s "This is the subject" someone@example.com
    Hi someone
    How are you
    I am fine

2. Take message from a file

The message body of the email can be taken from a file as well.
  • $ mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com < /path/to/file
The message can also be piped using the echo command -
  • $ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com

3. Multiple recipients

To send the mail to multiple recipients, specify all the emails separated by a comma
  • $ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" someone@example.com,someone2@example.com

4. CC and BCC

The "-c" and "-b" options can be used to add CC and BCC addresses respectively.
  • $ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -c ccuser@example.com someone@example.com

5. Specify From name and address

To specify a "FROM" name and address, use the "-r" option. The name should be followed by the address wrapped in "<>".
  • $ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -r "Harry" someone@example.com

6. Specify "Reply-To" address

The reply to address is set with the internal option variable "replyto" using the "-S" option.
  • # replyto email
    $ echo "This is message" | mail -s "Testing replyto" -S replyto="mark@gmail.com" someone@example.com
    # replyto email with a name
    $ echo "This is message" | mail -s "Testing replyto" -S replyto="Mark" someone@example.com

7. Attachments

Attachments can be added with the "-a" option.
  • $ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" -r "Harry" -a /path/to/file someone@example.com

8. Use external SMTP server

This is an exclusive feature, that you get only with heirloom mailx and not bsd mailx, or the mail command from gnu mailutils or the mutt command.
The mailx command can use an external smtp server to use to relay the message forward. The syntax is a bit lengthy but makes sense.
  • $ echo "This is the message body and contains the message" | mailx -v -r "someone@example.com" -s "This is the subject" -S smtp="mail.example.com:587" -S smtp-use-starttls -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp-auth-user="someone@example.com" -S smtp-auth-password="abc123" -S ssl-verify=ignore yourfriend@gmail.com
Here is a breakdown
  • $ echo "This is the message body and contains the message" | mailx -v \
    > -r "someone@example.com" \
    > -s "This is the subject" \
    > -S smtp="mail.example.com:587" \
    > -S smtp-use-starttls \
    > -S smtp-auth=login \
    > -S smtp-auth-user="someone@example.com" \
    > -S smtp-auth-password="abc123" \
    > -S ssl-verify=ignore \
    > yourfriend@gmail.com
You can use the gmail smtp servers and send emails via your gmail account. That is so cool!
For gmail specifically you would need to enable less secure apps settings before you can send mail like that.

9. Verbose - watch smtp communication

When using external smtp servers, you can choose to watch the entire smtp communication that is done in the background. This is useful specially when testing or debugging smtp servers.
  • $ echo "This is the message body and contains the message from heirloom mailx" | mailx -v -s "This is the subject" -S smtp="smtp.gmail.com:587" -S smtp-use-starttls -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp-auth-user="mygmail@gmail.com" -S smtp-auth-password="mypassword" -S ssl-verify=ignore someone@example.com
    Resolving host smtp.gmail.com . . . done.
    Connecting to . . . connected.
    220 mx.google.com ESMTP je4sm32812877pbd.94 - gsmtp
    >>> EHLO enlightened
    250-mx.google.com at your service, []
    250-SIZE 35882577
    250 SMTPUTF8
    >>> STARTTLS
    220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
    >>> EHLO enlightened
    250-mx.google.com at your service, []
    250-SIZE 35882577
    250 SMTPUTF8
    >>> AUTH LOGIN
    334 VXNlcmU6
    >>> YmnbWFpbC5jb20=
    334 UGFzcmQ6
    >>> KnJgzKg==
    235 2.7.0 Accepted
    >>> MAIL FROM:
    250 2.1.0 OK je4sm32812877pbd.94 - gsmtp
    >>> RCPT TO:
    250 2.1.5 OK je4sm32812877pbd.94 - gsmtp
    >>> DATA
    354  Go ahead je4sm32812877pbd.94 - gsmtp
    >>> .
    250 2.0.0 OK 1417930703 je4sm32812877pbd.94 - gsmtp
    >>> QUIT
    221 2.0.0 closing connection je4sm32812877pbd.94 - gsmtp


In case the mails are not being delivered properly you need to check a few things. The first thing to check is that an smtp server (mta) is running locally. The netstat command can tell that
  • $ sudo netstat -ltnp | grep 25
    [sudo] password for enlightened: 
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      2541/master     
    tcp6       0      0 :::25                   :::*                    LISTEN      2541/master
If an stmp server like Postfix is running and still mails are not going, then try re-configuring Postfix for example. On Ubuntu/Debian systems, this can be done with the dpkg-reconfigure command
  • $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
Then retry, the mail command and it should work. If it still doesn't, try contacting your server provider.

No mails from local systems
If you try to send mails from your local computer to a gmail address, your mail would most likely be rejected, so don't try doing that.

This is because ordinary computers connected to internet address have an ip address that is not associated with any valid domain as such, and gmail strictly verifies such credentials before approving any mail to go through.

Notes and Resources

Apart from mailx, there are other tools like Swaks and smtp-cli that can be used to send mails from command line and support various features like specifying smtp servers and adding attachments and so on.

However the mailx command is available in the default repositories of most common distros, so can be installed easily. Further it maintains a syntax very similar to that of the mail command which makes it a drop in replacement for the older mail command.

The mailx command is even capable of reading mails from remote IMAP servers, but that is something we kept out of this post and would talk later. To learn more check the man page for the mailx command with "man mailx".

Article source: https://www.binarytides.com/linux-mailx-command/